Jesse Thomas

Phone: (812) 687-8467


Evangelist's Bio

Brother and Sister Thomas have served in various roles in ministry since 2009. These roles include: teaching bible studies, Youth leaders, Outreach Directors, Adult Sunday school teachers, and Evangelists. In 2020 they felt the call to Global Missions and in 2021 they received an AIM Appointment to Micronesia serving in the island nation of Palau. While in Palau, they have done the work of the pastor, crusades, Bible studies, marriage seminars, ministry of music, prison ministry, and outreach. They also started a weekly radio program. After the Palau term,they received an Associate Missionary Appointment to the Island of Saipan. On Saipan they planted a church,and did the work of an Evangelist. Brother Thomas also has been a conference speaker. Men’s Conference Papua New Guinea, General Conference in Micronesia. God has blessed their ministry. They have been blessed to see many baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost and have witnessed the existing saints continue growing!



The definition and parameters of a daughter work according to the United Pentecostal Church Incorporated Manual are as follows:

  • A Daughter congregation is a congregation which has met at least three months, and is the result of the concerted efforts of an established mother church to plant a new congregation.
  • The Daughter Work holds at least one service per week apart from the mother church, and is under the general oversight of the pastor of the mother church.



Existing Daughter Works and/or new daughter works are varied from each other depending on the mother church and its investment financial or otherwise. However, there are certain requirements that the Indiana NAM Department have that qualifies a daughter work to receive support in the form of financial grants.

To receive Indiana NAM Grants, the requirements are as follows:

  • Senior Pastor and Daughter Work Pastor, (if different), MUST be in good standing in the Indiana District as outlined by the Indiana District Manual.
  • While it is NOT a requirement for the “Mother Church” to be affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church Incorporated during the daughter work status timeframe of 3 years, it MUST be in good standing with the United Pentecostal Church Incorporated on a district and national level.
  • NOTE: Regarding affiliation, if/when the daughter work becomes an autonomous work, it will have to be affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church Incorporated to receive any grant funds on a district or national level.
  • MUST not be conducting services in the same building as the “Mother Church”.
  • MUST be having services within a reasonable distance from the nearest UPCI pastor and that has been approved by the Presbyter of the section in question.
  • The Senior Pastor must have a vision for the Daughter Work to become an autonomous work in the foreseeable future and does not expect it to happen at any particular set time from the INNAM Department.
  • MUST meet the Indiana NAM Board each year to review the annual request of Senior/Daughter Work pastor, and should expect a semi-annual follow-up regarding any funds being approved go directly to said requested need in the daughter work.
  • Must meet any other expectations as outlined by the Indiana NAM Department especially those already determined for new autonomous works in Indiana.
  • NOTE: While the approval of said “Daughter Work” is dependent upon several factors that contributes to approval, the overall approval is based predominantly upon the Lead pastor and his/her standing in the Indiana District. Furthermore, the senior pastor of the mother church will be applying for status and annual approval, NOT the Daughter Work pastor (if different).
  • NOTE: It should be understood at the outset, that any Daughter Work grants approved will only go towards Daughter Work needs. It is meant for purchasing material assets for such things as, but not limited to sound systems, pulpits, chairs, pews, etc. It is not meant for ‘consumable investments’ such as salaries and building rent.



As an approved daughter work, the senior pastor can expect some things as well:

  • A 3-year provisional status in receiving Indiana NAM Grants
  • Participation in any Indiana NAM Missionary training
  • Once the 3-year provisional status is completed and the Daughter Work is progressing into a full autonomous work, (i.e., North American Missions Status), can then begin their 5-year status as an Indiana NAM Missionary.

NOTE: As this happens, it allows the new autonomous work to be eligible for national NAM Grants and as well as continue receiving Indiana NAM Grants).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Christmas for Christ?

Christmas for Christ is a North American Missions effort by which funds are raised at Christmastime in North American churches to sponsor missionaries and support various North American Missions ministries in the United States and Canada.

What types of allocations are available and how may the funds be used?

Personal Assistance:

A monthly allocation to assist the church-planter with living expenses.

Property Lease:

A monthly allocation used to rent/lease a facility for congregational meetings.

Property Purchase:

A onetime allocation to purchase property or an existing building.

Property Remodel:

A onetime allocation to renovate a building already owned by the congregation.

Where can I find a Christmas for Christ Application?

The Christmas for Christ application is available through your District Office, North American Missions, or online at

When are Christmas for Christ applications due?

Applications are due to North American Missions by January 15. Late applications receive little or no consideration.

How does one apply for Christmas for Christ support?

Applicants submit a Christmas for Christ application. The application must be complete and accurate for consideration. The applicant must be a licensed minister of the United Pentecostal Church International. Further, the application must have the signatures of the District Superintendent, District Secretary and North American Missions Director in the district where the church is started.

**NOTE** In some cases, a minister will be moving to another district, but the transfer of credentials is not yet complete. In this case, the applicant must receive signatures from the District Superintendent, District Secretary and North American Missions Director in which they reside AND the signatures of District Superintendent, District Secretary and North American Missions Director where the church will be started.

What is the maximum amount of funding available each year for assistance?

The missionary may request up to $2,000.00 per month ($24,000 per year) for monthly allocations (Personal Assistance or Property Lease) and up to $15,000 per year for onetime allocations (Property Purchase or Property Remodel).

How many years can a church planter receive Christmas for Christ Funding?

A Christmas for Christ Missionary is eligible for monthly allocations (Personal Assistance or Property Lease) for up to 3 years. A missionary is eligible for onetime allocations (Property Purchase or Property Remodel) at any time during his 5-year North American Missions’ status.

Where do I send the completed application?

Send the application to the District North American Missions Director where the church is located. Once reviewed and all necessary signatures have been acquired, it is then the District North American Missions Director’s responsibility to send the application to North American Missions.

*Please do not submit unsigned applications to North American Missions. All applications must go to the District first.

What is the responsibility of my district in regards to my application?

The District Executive Committee is responsible for review, approval and authorization of the application. Once completed, it is the District North American Missions Director’s responsibility to send the application to North American Missions.

When the application pertains to the purchase of property, it is the responsibility of the District North American Missions Executive Committee to investigate and inspect the property, check city regulations and all other matters related to the property.

Since funds cannot be invested in property held in the name of an individual, it is recommended that the district assist the missionary in selecting the trustees. This should be discussed with the missionary when he is approved to start a new work or before the property is purchased.

A standard lien attachment is developed by each district in harmony with the laws of each state or province. The lien document is simple and free of unnecessary encumbrances. The lien attachment applies to all North American Missions churches receiving any UPCI monies invested in real property. Examples include: Sheaves for Christ property grants, Christmas for Christ property grants, Church-In-A-Day property loans, & property appropriations from district funds.

It is necessary that the district officials take the initiative to set the church in order as soon as possible according to the current issue of the Manual of the United Pentecostal Church International.

Do I need to submit any other items along with the application?

All applications require a current photo of the church planter and family.

Property Purchase applications require pictures of the building or land to be purchased and a copy of the purchase contract.

Property Lease applications require pictures of the building to be leased and a copy of the lease agreement.

*Incomplete or unclear applications may be returned to the applicant for further information or may be removed from consideration.

What are the requirements of the church planter’s church BEFORE the application is submitted to the District?

Churches must be autonomous (daughter works are ineligible for Christmas for Christ funds) and set in order according to the current issue of the Manual of the United Pentecostal Church International. It is advisable that churches be locally incorporated.

The property is to be held in trust by the trustees for the local church, and not in an individual’s name. North American Missions funds are not invested in property in which the title of ownership is held in question. Provision should be made in the church by-laws for the trustees and their duly elected successors. In addition to the pastor, two of the following three persons and their successors should be listed:

District Superintendent

District North American Missions Director

Sectional Presbyter

To receive Christmas for Christ funds, the church must be affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church International. Affiliation may be accomplished at the time the missionary receives district board approval. Completed Affiliation applications are submitted to the General Secretary of the UPCI.

Who makes the decision regarding the allocation of Christmas for Christ funds?

The North American Missions Administrative Committee, as defined by the UPCI Manual, reviews and researches each application. Input regarding the priority of the applications is given by the District North American Missions Director for each applicant.

How long before the applicant learns whether an application was funded?

The North American Missions Administrative Committee meets in March. All applicants are notified as to the disposition of the matter by early April.

If my application is not awarded funding, what are my options?

If not funded, you will receive a letter noting the same; however, you will have the option of applying for assistance the following year if still on site and under North American Missions’ status.

If the funding is for the purchase of property, you may be counseled to apply for Sheaves for Christ funding. These grants are available from the General Youth Division of the United Pentecostal Church. Sheaves for Christ grants can only be used to purchase or improve real property and cannot be applied to leased property. The youth division makes their allocations each fall during the General Conference.

If approved for funding, what are my responsibilities?

You will receive a notification letter which will inform you of the funding start date.

ALL allocations are made payable to the church.

All allocations are held until church affiliation is verified.

One-time allocations (Property Purchase or Property Remodel) are held until your District North American Missions Director contacts North American Missions and requests the funds. Once requested and affiliation has been verified, the funds are sent to your district office for distribution.

Approved missionaries must complete the church-planting training provided by North American Missions. Missionaries are given a reasonable amount of time to complete the training. If the training is not completed, allocations are suspended until the training is completed.

Each month the missionary submits an online report to North American Missions and the District North American Missions Director. The report must be received in order for the next month’s allocation to be released.

*When submitting this application, please include a personal letter covering anything you feel is important to express your burden more fully.

May the Lord bless you in planting a church!

Carlton L . Coon, Sr.

General Director of North American Missions

United Pentecostal Church International